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In July, a Comcast user tried to cancel his service… only to be met by the most unfriendly, unhelpful company representative in the history of customer support.

This is the exact opposite of that.

Reddit poster UranusExplorer (hehe) recently contacted Amazon because he had yet to receive a book he ordered.

At the outset of his online chat, UranusExplorer (hehe) was told he was speaking with a customer service representative named Thor.

So UranusExplorer (hehe) went along with it it and asked if he could be referred to as Odin, Thor’s father in Norse mythology). The Amazon employee agreed and the following, EPIC exchange ensued:


Totally and completely amazing, no? 

We may purposely place the wrong order one of these days just to see if Thor will be on the other end of our complaint as well.

Keep being you, Amazon. Comcast? We’ll soon come up with an appropriately honest company slogan for you, don’t worry: